Safety Management

Establish safety management processes and controls to keep your team safe

Under the OHS and WHS laws, every organisation has a legal obligation to provide a workplace free from risks to health and safety. It is specified in the Acts and regulations that you must establish a Safe System of Work (SSOW), known as a safety management system, as well as provide adequate information, instruction, training and supervision to you team.

It is also a requirement to engage or employ a suitably qualified safety advisor to work with you on matters affecting health and safety. If you do not have each of these you are breaking the law.

Our team work with you to develop the right safe work and management systems, processes and controls for your business, develop the instructions and training your team needs as well as satisfying your requirement to engage a Safety Advisor.

Benefits from this Service

The use of Safety Management Services directly impacts your organisation through the following ways:

Risk-Managed Workplace
Compliance with Legal Standards
Expert Safety Guidance
Customised Safety Training and Information
Safety Advisor Provision
Legal Assurance
Holistic Safety Solutions

Our team ensures the establishment of effective safety management processes and controls, fulfilling your legal obligation under OHS and WHS laws to maintain a safe workplace.

We help you comply with legislative requirements by developing and implementing a Safe System of Work (SSOW), which is essential for meeting the safety management system criteria set out in the Acts and regulations.

Our safety advisors are suitably qualified to guide you on all matters affecting health and safety, ensuring your organisation is not only compliant but also best practice in safety standards.

We tailor-make instructions and training for your team, ensuring they are well-informed and prepared to maintain a safe working environment.

By working with us, you satisfy the requirement of engaging a Safety Advisor, as we provide the expertise needed to navigate the complexities of health and safety legislation.

Partnering with our team means you avoid the legal repercussions of non-compliance, as we ensure every aspect of safety management is covered.

We offer comprehensive safety management solutions that align with your business's unique needs, creating a safer workplace for everyone.

Does your team need support in Safety Management?

We have the right solution for you.

Our Safety Management Services

Qualified Safety Advisor

Meet your legal obligation for a Safety Advisor:

  • OHS / WHS advice when and where you need it
  • Developing and delivering face to face or online training for site inductions, operating procedures and high-risk activities
  • Supporting you through internal, external or regulator audits, inspections and reviews
  • Determining your current level of compliance with OHS / WHS and industry legislation, regulations, codes and standards
  • Developing your Safe System of Work for you

Safe System of Work

Establish a system for managing work safely:

  • Pre-developed Safety Management Systems tailored to your business
  • Developing your safety policies and procedures
  • Establishing OHS / WHS Manuals Implementing your key safety requirements of risk management, incident management and emergency management
  • Developing Training/Competency Matrix so you know your team are trained in safety

Establishing safe work practices

Keep your team safe at work:

  • Implementing Pre-Start Meetings & Toolbox Talks with your team
  • Documenting your Safe Work Methods Statements (SWMS) and Job Safety & Environmental Assessments (JSEAs)
  • Developing high-risk work practices
  • Implementing your emergency management process

Facilitated Workshops (Safety in Design, HazOp or Hazards in Operations)

Engage with users during the design stage to improve project outcomes:

  • Identify Hazards and controls using interactive User Group engagement (HazOp) workshops
  • Facilitated Safety in Design (SiD) engagements and SiD activities
  • Establish agreement on design changes to improve safety
  • Understand how operational hazards have been managed in other areas, to inform safe work practices in new builds or redevelopments
  • In-Person, fully Virtual or Hybrid Workshop Facilitation

FSC and other Accreditation

Supporting you to achieve safety accreditations:

  • Federal Safety Commission (FSC) Accreditation
  • ISO Standards (ISO 45001)
  • Internal Audits and Management Reviews

Our Business Assurance Services

Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Controls (HIRAC)

Minimise the risk of safety incidents:

  • Establishing a simple to use Risk Management system, process and tools
  • Developing an online hazard identification tool that your team can use anywhere
  • Providing reporting on the key safety hazards and risks to your organisation and implementing actions to address them

Our Tailored Services

safety management consultants

Success Stories

Our Unique Approach

Our approach to Safety Management is focussed on developing lean Safe System of Work (SSOW) that is easy to follow.

We operate as a trusted extension of your team throughout the process to help keep you, your team safe and your organisation meeting its legal obligations.

Corrective Action

Rapid response controls to make work safe prior to proceeding further


Identify, assess and control the safety hazards that put your team at risk using a structured approach.

Safe Work Practices

Work with your team to define safe work practices for your business

Develop SSOW

Develop a Safe System of Work (SSOW) with controls in place that you need


Working with your team to reach agreement on the Safe System of Work

Train your Team

Provide inductions and training solutions for your new system

Want to know more?

Download our Capability Statement & Pricing information.

Stephanie Werner

Leading the Team

Stephanie Werner

As Founding Partner, Stephanie has over a decade in Quality Assurance and Business Improvement in Rail, Traction, Transport, & Logistics, Education and Manufacturing industries, plus time spent in Public Service.

Stephanie established SLW Consulting Australia in 2017 and after two years of growth, Integris Group Services Pty Ltd was established in July 2019.

Stephanie’s approach is very hands-on, consulting in Business Assurance, Business Improvement, ISO Certification, QA Management, Processes and Management Systems. Structuring her clients work to enable them to achieve their objectives is why Stephanie has established herself as a sought after expert in her field.

We would love to hear from you

Find out how we can support you and your team.

Contact Us

We would love to connect.

Based in Melbourne’s CBD, our management consulting team currently travel across Australia and New Zealand to support our clients. We also provide consulting & advisory through any online channels you are using in your business.​

We would love to hear from you to find out how we can support you and your team.​

530 Little Collins Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000, Australia