Governance, Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Make a Meaningful, Trusting Impact with Purpose-Driven Leadership and Initiatives 

At Integris Group Services, we understand that Governance, Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility are not just business practices—they are the foundations of long-term success. Embracing purpose-driven leadership and initiatives ensures your organisation operates with integrity, builds lasting trust and achieves sustainable growth. 

Effective Governance lays the groundwork for transparent and accountable decision-making, ensuring that every action aligns with your organisation’s values and objectives.

By integrating environmental and social priorities, Corporate Sustainability equips your business to navigate future challenges with confidence.

With a strong focus on Social Responsibility, your reputation for making an impact will also deepen the connections you build with your community and stakeholders. We’re here to help you incorporate these essential initiatives into your leadership, management and operations, leveraging innovative and adaptable solutions to help drive your organisation forward. 

Benefits of This Service  

Implementing Governance, Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility drives positive outcomes for your organisation in the following ways:

Build Trust and Credibility
Achieve Long-Term Resilience
Boost Efficiency and Reduce Costs
Enhanced Risk Management
Foster Relationships
Gain a Competitive Edge
Attract and Retain Talent
Improve Investor Confidence and Access to Capital

When your organisation embraces transparency and integrity, it goes beyond meeting expectations—it sets a new standard for excellence. By embedding strong governance and responsible practices into your business, it's easier to foster trust and establish credibility with customers, investors and stakeholders, building lasting relationships and paving the way for long-term success.

In a world full of opportunities, preparing your business for the future is essential. By integrating sustainability into your core strategies your organisation can both thrive and confidently embrace tomorrow’s challenges, with the assurance of long-term resilience and success.

Sustainability and cost savings go hand in hand. By adopting eco-friendly practices such as energy-efficient technologies, waste reduction strategies, and sustainable supply chain management, you enhance efficiency, benefit your bottom line and support the planet. These practices drive operational excellence and ensure a positive impact on your business and the environment.

With the right governance structures in place, your organisation is empowered to anticipate, respond to and navigate challenges with ease. Our approach ensures your risks are well considered, your organisation remains compliant, and you have established systems and processes to handle the complexities of today’s business environment, giving you the confidence to grow and thrive.

We believe today’s stakeholders seek more than profits—they want to connect with businesses that reflect their values. At Integris Group Services, our core values of Honesty, Integrity, Conviction, Action, and Sensitivity {add internal link} are at the heart of everything we do. By embodying these principles, we help you meet stakeholder expectations, fostering stronger, more meaningful connections that build long-term loyalty and trust.

Leading with strong governance and clear and transparent commitments positions your organisation to stand out in the market through transparent reporting. These initiatives, particularly across corporate sustainability and social responsibility, enhance your reputation and provide a powerful competitive advantage through attracting socially conscious consumers and investors who value businesses that make an impact.

In today’s competitive job market, top talent is drawn to employers who prioritise ethical governance and sustainability. By showcasing your organisation’s commitment to these principles, you can attract and retain the best candidates, as well as create a positive workplace culture.

We believe investors are increasingly attracted to companies that prioritise sustainability and responsible governance, offering transparency and a commitment to ethical practices. By aligning with these values, you can build investor confidence, leading to improved access to capital and more favourable investment opportunities.

Are You Ready to Strengthen Your Governance, Corporate Sustainability and Social Responsibility?

If you want your organisation to excel through strong governance frameworks, sustainable corporate practices and commitments to social responsibility at its core, we're here to support and guide you every step of the way. 

Our Governance, Sustainability and Social Responsibility Services

Establishing Robust Governance Frameworks

We help your organisation build a solid foundation by establishing governance structures that ensure effective leadership, transparency, reporting, and compliance.

  • Collaborate with your leadership to design tailored governance structures that suit your organisation’s needs. 
  • Set up clear roles and responsibilities across all levels of the organisation to ensure accountability and transparency. 
  • Establish effective decision-making processes that enhance transparency and fairness. 
  • Ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards, aligning your governance framework with regulatory requirements. 
  • Design tailored reporting systems to ensure management, leadership, and boards receive the right information for decision-making. 
  • Clarify the flow of information across all levels, ensuring clarity and accessibility. 
  • Tailor reporting for each level of leadership, providing detailed reports for management and high-level summaries for directors. 
  • Set consistent reporting timelines and review processes to keep leadership informed on governance, compliance, and performance. 
  • Integrate key performance indicators (KPIs) for governance, sustainability, and social responsibility into reporting to track progress and areas for improvement. 
  • Provide ongoing support to adapt frameworks as your organisation evolves and grows. 

                  Purpose Driven Leadership

                  We work with your organisation’s management, leadership, and directors to define, align, and implement initiatives that elevate governance, corporate sustainability, and social responsibility.

                  By embedding these values into your operations, we ensure long-term success and meaningful impact. 

                  • Define and align your organisation’s purpose to clarify your mission, vision, and values, ensuring a shared commitment to sustainability and responsibility. 
                  • Engage leadership to uplift governance, sustainability, and social responsibility, facilitating strategic discussions among directors and executives. 
                  • Integrate governance, sustainability, and social responsibility into your operations, ensuring these programs are embedded in your organisation’s culture. 
                  • Establish leadership accountability by defining clear responsibilities and accountability mechanisms for governance and sustainability initiatives. 
                  • Provide ongoing leadership support to continuously uplift and sustain governance and sustainability practices, adapting as your organisation evolves. 

                  Developing Sustainable Business Practices

                  We work with you to integrate sustainability into your operations, helping your organisation become more efficient and environmentally responsible. 

                  • Conduct a comprehensive assessment of your current operations. 
                  • Identify opportunities for energy efficiency and waste reduction. 
                  • Implement sustainable sourcing practices to minimise environmental impact. 
                  • Enhance operational efficiency through targeted sustainability strategies. 
                  • Achieve cost savings while promoting environmental responsibility. 

                  Developing, Tailoring and Establishing Social Responsibility Initiatives

                  We guide you in creating meaningful Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs that align with your values and resonate with your community and stakeholders, enhancing your brand’s reputation by making a real impact. 

                  • Engage with stakeholders to understand their needs, values and expectations. 
                  • Develop Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs that align with your organisational mission. 
                  • Design initiatives such as philanthropic efforts or employee volunteer programs. 
                  • Establish partnerships with local organisations for community impact. 
                  • Ensure CSR initiatives are measurable and aligned with business goals. 

                  Achieving Compliance and Regulatory Alignment

                  We ensure your organisation meets all legal and ethical standards, reducing risks and protecting your reputation. 

                  • Research, explore and understand your mandatory compliance requirements and voluntary conformance specifications 
                  • Perform a detailed audit to identify compliance gaps, potential risks and opportunities. 
                  • Implement necessary policies and procedures to close compliance gaps. 
                  • Develop and conduct training programs to educate staff on compliance standards. 
                  • Ensure alignment with all relevant legal and ethical requirements. 
                  • Protect your organisation’s reputation through proactive risk management. 

                  Implementing Continuous Improvement Strategies

                  We establish processes that foster continuous improvement, ensuring your governance, sustainability, and Social Responsibility practices remain effective and relevant. 

                  • Develop continuous improvement processes for governance, corporate sustainability and social responsibility initiatives. 
                  • Set up regular reviews to assess and enhance current practices. 
                  • Implement performance tracking to monitor the effectiveness of initiatives. 
                  • Collect and incorporate feedback for ongoing refinement of strategies. 
                  • Ensure your organisation remains agile and responsive to changing needs. 
                  Business Assurance

                  Success Stories

                  Our Unique Approach

                  Integris Group Services follows a structured and adaptable approach to our Governance, Sustainability, and Social Responsibility services. 

                  DEFINE REQUIREMENTS 

                  Identify and Agree on Requirements that can be used across organisation’s strategic vision, mission and purpose. 

                  IDENTIFY INITIATIVES 

                  Identify governance, sustainability, and social responsibility opportunities and initiatives to build on current strengths and address areas for improvement. 

                  DEVELOP STRATEGY & PLAN 

                  Create a comprehensive strategy, plan and roadmap that includes detailed action plans, timelines, roles, and responsibilities to achieve your objectives. 


                  Roll out the strategy and roadmap to develop or enhance governance frameworks, sustainability initiatives, and CSR programs, ensuring they are fully integrated into your operations. 

                  MONITOR AND EVALUATE  

                  Set up regular reporting, monitoring and evaluation processes to track progress, measure effectiveness, and make necessary adjustments to stay aligned with your goals. 

                  CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT  

                  Foster a culture of continual improvement to uplift your governance, sustainability, and CSR practices in response to feedback, changing regulations, and new opportunities. 

                  Ready to Make an Impact?

                  Partner with us to implement effective governance, corporate sustainability, and social responsibility initiatives in your organisation to make a lasting impact. Click below for our Capability Statement & Pricing. 

                  Stephanie Werner

                  Leading the Team

                  Stephanie Werner

                  Stephanie Werner, Founding Partner of Integris Group Services, brings over a decade of expertise in Governance, Corporate Sustainability, and Social Responsibility, working across industries like Rail, Transport, Logistics, Education, and Manufacturing. Her leadership is focused on empowering organisations to thrive through ethical governance and sustainable business practices. 

                  After successfully growing SLW Consulting Australia, Stephanie established Integris Group Services Pty Ltd with a vision to support businesses in embedding governance, sustainability, and social responsibility into their core operations. Her hands-on approach ensures that clients not only meet compliance but excel in building lasting, meaningful impact. 

                  Stephanie’s commitment to governance and sustainability has positioned her as a trusted expert in the industry, helping organisations achieve their goals while contributing positively to their communities and the environment. 

                  We would love to hear from you

                  Find out how we can support you and your team.

                  Contact Us

                  We would love to connect.

                  Based in Melbourne’s CBD, our management consulting team currently travel across Australia and New Zealand to support our clients. We also provide consulting & advisory through any online channels you are using in your business.​

                  We would love to hear from you to find out how we can support you and your team.​

                  530 Little Collins Street, Melbourne Victoria 3000, Australia