Are your employees psychologically safe in the workplace?

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, the concept of psychological safety in the workplace has gained prominence like never before. Employees’ well-being, mental health, and their sense of belonging within an organisation have become pivotal factors in determining its overall success. At Integris Group Services (IGS), we recognise the critical importance of psychological safety and its profound impact on individuals, teams, and the broader business community.

Before delving into the significance and benefits of fostering a psychologically safe environment, let’s address a fundamental question:

“Are your employees psychologically safe in the workplace?”

Psychological safety encompasses the notion that employees feel secure, supported, and free to express their thoughts, ideas, and concerns without fear of retaliation or judgment. Psychologically safe workplaces are marked by open communication, trust, and a culture that encourages individuals to be their authentic selves. They are environments where employees can take risks, admit mistakes, and engage in constructive debates without anxiety about their job security or status.

What is a psychologically safe workplace?

A psychologically safe workplace is a tapestry woven from diverse threads, each contributing to its strength and resilience. According to Chandler Macleod[i], research shows that “organisations with a strong emphasis on psychological safety report a 17% increase in productivity and a 40% reduction in turnover.” This statistic highlights the tangible benefits of sustaining a psychologically safe environment, where employees are not only more productive but also more likely to stay with the organisation.

“What does a psychologically safe environment look like?”

A psychologically safe environment[ii] is made up of:

  • Open and inclusive communication where employees feel comfortable speaking up, asking questions, and sharing their perspectives, knowing that their voices will be heard and valued,
  • A foundation of trust between team members and leaders, fostering empathy and support during challenging times,
  • Constructive feedback provided in a respectful manner, with a focus on growth and improvement rather than criticism,
  • Encouraging employees to take calculated risks and explore innovative ideas, and
  • Valuing diversity in all its forms, recognising that a variety of backgrounds and experiences enriches the organisation.

Understanding psychological safety can begin with an exploration of legislation and who it covers to remain compliant, but there is a different way. According to Great Place to Work Australia[iii], “employees who feel psychologically safe are three times more likely to stay with their current employer.” This statistic underscores that psychological safety is not just a legal requirement but a retention strategy that directly impacts an organisation’s bottom line.

But how do you create one?

Creating a psychologically safe workplace involves identifying potential risks and understanding what organisations need to be aware of. It is essential to integrate management systems into current ways of working to ensure that psychological safety isn’t treated as an isolated initiative but becomes an integral part of an organisation’s culture.

“Why would you create one?”

In a world where the boundaries between work and personal life are increasingly blurred, psychological safety has never been more critical. Positive statistics indicate that organisations that prioritise psychological safety experience lower turnover rates, increased employee engagement, and higher levels of innovation.

The post-pandemic era has highlighted what people value most in their employment conditions. The need for psychological safety has become evident as individuals seek workplaces that prioritise their well-being and mental health.

Taking proactive action in creating a psychologically safe environment not only aligns with societal expectations but also brings tangible benefits to organisations. It establishes a robust management system for addressing psychological well-being, aligns employees with a shared mission, and fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Additionally, the Code of Practice for Managing Psychosocial hazards at Work enacted across Australia, now mandates that all organisations must actively comply with specific standards for psychological safety at work, emphasising the importance for businesses to adopt comprehensive strategies for mental well-being in the workplace.

Ready to learn more about Psychological Safety?

Our course on creating Psycological Safety in the workplace will introduce practical skills and frameworks to facilitate a cultural shift towards increased trust, innovation and collaboration.

“Integris Group Services approach to psychological safety”

At IGS, we understand the pivotal role that psychological safety plays in fostering a healthy work environment. Research cited by FCB Group[iv] indicates that “psychologically safe workplaces are 12 times more likely to be high-performing organisations.” This staggering statistic highlights that prioritising psychological safety is not just a moral imperative but also a strategic advantage.

Implementing psychological safety within an organisation requires a multi-faceted approach and include the following factors.

  • Educating Key Decision Makers: The buy-in and commitment of senior leaders are crucial. Educating key decision-makers about the importance of psychological safety and its benefits is the first step towards implementation.
  • Integration into Current Practices: Rather than introducing psychological safety as a standalone initiative, integrate it into existing policies and procedures. This ensures that it becomes an organic part of the organisational culture.
  • Policies and Procedures: Develop clear policies and procedures that explicitly address psychological safety. These guidelines should provide a framework for both employees and leaders to follow.

Our commitment is to educate key decision-makers in organisations about the importance of psychological safety, and other topics that we believe are too important to ignore. For that reason, we advocate for proactive measures that create an inclusive and supportive culture for all employees.

Your next steps towards keeping your employees psychologically safe:

To embark on the journey of fostering psychological safety within your organisation, take the first step by learning more about our course and resources.

IGS has invested more than 250 hours creating a comprehensive Psychological Safety in the Workplace course that can be accessed across organisations or as a single view licence. It covers the introduction to relevant legislation, the responsibilities and obligations of both employers and employees, the tools and frameworks essential for supporting psychological safety, strategies for preventing harm, early intervention, supporting recovery, and where to find help when needed in order to create and sustain a psychologically safe workplace.

Click here to discover how we can help you create a workplace where employees thrive, innovate, and contribute their best selves.

The Bottom Line:

Psychological safety is not just a buzzword but a fundamental requirement for modern workplaces. It is a key driver of employee well-being, productivity, and organisational success. At Integris Group Services, we emphasise the importance of creating an environment where employees feel safe, valued, and empowered. By prioritising psychological safety, organisations can build a brighter, more resilient future for their teams and the broader business community.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Provide Examples of Growth Opportunities Explored by Integris Group Services and Their Outcomes?

We’re always exploring avenues that align with our commitment to psychological safety, and have outlined key examples in our webinar on Psychological Safety. Please click on the button below to request access to our webinar.

How Does Addressing Cultural Clashes and Communication Barriers Enhance Psychological Safety in the Workplace?

Creating a psychologically safe workplace is paramount in today’s diverse and fast-paced business environment. At Integris Group Services, we believe that overcoming cultural clashes and breaking down communication barriers are foundational to achieving this. Through our comprehensive approach, which encompasses workshops, targeted training sessions, and personalised one-on-one meetings, we aim to foster a culture of open communication and mutual respect. Our initiatives focus on enhancing empathy, active listening, and constructive feedback, with a keen emphasis on conflict resolution strategies. Our goal is to cultivate an environment where every team member feels valued and understood, enabling a culture where differences fuel innovation rather than discord.

What Criteria Does Integris Group Services Use to Evaluate and Prioritize Revenue Growth Accelerators, Particularly With Psychological Safety in Mind?

At Integris Group Services, identifying accelerators for revenue growth involves a balanced consideration of psychological safety alongside traditional business metrics. We evaluate potential initiatives based on their impact on employee well-being, alignment with our core values, and practicality within our organisational culture. Key factors include anticipated ROI, the potential to enhance employee engagement and retention, and adherence to health and safety standards. By employing a scoring system to assess each accelerator, we ensure our strategies are not only data-driven but also harmoniously aligned with both our business objectives and the needs of employees.

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