Our 5-R’s Employee Engagement Framework – Creating a High-Performing Work Culture


Many businesses face the hardships of finding, placing and maintaining the right people when they need them. Building a trusted and capable team can be a difficult task – especially if you do not have the time, resources and aren’t aware of your obligations or the risks you might face along the way. 

Our team can make this easier or you – we understand both the benefits and challenges of investing in your team and support you to make sure that your team bring a strong suite of human resource management skills to your business as well as ensuring they are motivated and passionate about seeing your business succeed. To help steer, improve and drive your team and business to success in the most affordable way, we offer adaptable and modular employee engagement initiatives support that embeds a strong process for attracting and keeping the right people for your business to create a high-performing culture.


At Integris Group Services, we have established a framework for ensuring that you are attracting and employing the best people for your business, we call this our ‘5-R’s Framework’. By using this framework we have supported businesses like yours to build and grow their team and continue to nurture the high-performing culture that sees their business to succeed. After all, your team are your most important asset.

Our 5-R’s Framework focuses on ensuring that you have the Right People, in the Right Place, at the Right Time, doing the Right Work, for the Right Reasons.

By following this framework throughout the employee lifecycle of your team, you foster high quality team members who are motivated to see your business succeed. Each of the elements of the 5-R’s Framework focuses on ensuring that your team members:

  • Are the right fit for the your team’s culture
  • Align their values to those of your business
  • Are driven to be the best in the industry
  • Are focussed on learning and developing their knowledge and skills
  • Genuinely enjoy what they do and bring an energy to work each day
  • Are willing to go above and beyond for your team and your business


The benefits of a high performing culture are second to none, and are felt not only within your business but also by your customers. The 5-R’s Framework ensures you are attracting and appointing the right person for the role, who will contribute real value to your team and your business through strong communication, greater efficiency, better ways of doing things, increased engagement and strong trusting relationships.

With the Right People, in the Right Place, at the Right Time, doing the Right Work, for the Right Reasons your business will reap the gains from:

  1. Highly motivated team members
  2. Improvements in productivity
  3. Improvements in product and/or service quality
  4. Greater flexibility
  5. Highly capable team members
  6. Improved knowledge sharing across the business
  7. Opportunities for innovation and improvement
  8. Reduced direct and indirect costs
  9. Increased profitability


The challenges that you face when growing and managing a team are often overlooked as each of us are focussed on getting the job done. However, often team members wear many hats and manage multiple different functions in your business, sometimes without a lot of experience or training in what they are managing.

This creates risk within your business that result in severe consequences unless they are addressed – and often these risks are only addressed after something has gone wrong. Some of these risk include:

1. Breaching your legal requirements

Your business has certain obligations under the employment law that you must meet to be operating lawfully. This includes having the right policies, documents and processes in place and ensuring that you have correctly communicated these to your team.

If you do not have the right policies, documents and processes in place you and your business are at risk should any issues arise with your employees, including the potential of facing a claim against you with the Fair Work Ombudsman.

According to the Australian Productivity Commission, an average unfair dismissal claim costs an Australian employer approximately $13,500.

Can your business afford to pay $13,000 straight out of your bottom line? Our modular- based system can prevent this risk for you at a fraction of the cost.

Source:  https://www.smartcompany.com.au/people-human-resources/industrial-relations/average-unfair-dismissal-claim-costs-businesses-13-500-productivity-commission-flags-no-fault-dismissal-but-quickly-backs-away/ 


2. High recruitment costs and lost productivity

It is important to nurture the culture within your business to avoid the costs you incur when you lose a team member. Not only are these costs felt through the loss of productivity your business faces as a result, but also the additional time and money spent on recruiting to refill those positions.

If you have experienced the loss of a team member within their first 12 months with your business, you will know the impact this has on both the culture and performance of your team as well as your business – as well as the time you need to invest in replacing them.

Avoid the downtime and additional recruitment costs with the support of our team.

Source: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-07-18/george-calombaris-made-establishment-backpays-underpaid-workers/11320274

3. Increased staff resignations and turnover

Each of your team members want to feel valued and respected, enjoy training and development opportunities and are directly impacted by the quality and capability of their colleagues. These are the top three reasons that employees consider leaving a business.

It is important to keep your team members engaged at work, strengthening their working relationships and providing opportunities for them to learn and develop. As our own workloads increase, this becomes more and more difficult to manage and is often only considered after one of our best team members resigns.

Our team can provide you with the support you need to ensure your team are highly engaged and enjoying development opportunities that benefit your business.

Source: https://www.hrmonline.com.au/employee-engagement/underperforming-colleagues-driving/?utm_source=HRM&utm_medium=e%2Dnews&utm_campaign=HRM+announcement



Integris Group Services can assist you with each of these challenges and support you to reap the benefits of a high-performing work culture that continues to improve your employee engagement as well as increase the performance of your business.

Our team of specialists are passionate about helping you and your business to succeed – getting to know you and your team and partnering with you to establish easy to manage and effective Human Resources systems and processes to ensure you are meeting your legal obligations, reducing the risk of employee turnover and engaging your team on your business’ journey.

You can rely on us as your internal HR team without the high cost of employing a HR Manager. We will implement everything you need and manage your HR requirements for you, allowing you to focus on what you do best.

Would you like to unlock these benefits in your organisation?

We have the right solution for you.